Do you know which shampoo is suitable for your hair? Today we shall take you through the different kinds of shampoo and which one you should be using on your hair.
A Neutralizing Shampoo is used when doing a relaxer application to restore the pH level balance to the hair. It also contains a colour indicator that lets the hair dresser know if there is any relaxer left in the hair during the washing process. A Colour Care Shampoo is used for those who have colour treated their hair and require that extra moisturizing factor to prevent the hair from drying out. Finally, there is the Normal Hair Care Shampoo which is the regular kind of shampoo for hair wash. A good shampoo should lather well and not leave your hair feeling dry.
The Venus Anti-Dandruff Shampoo contains ingredients that are suitable for your scalp. Before you shampoo your hair, make sure that it is free of any tangles by detangling with a wide tooth comb before you go to the sink. Wet the hair and apply the Venus Anti-Dandruff shampoo which has a soothing effect on the scalp. Apply a small amount and rub it between your palms. Use an effleurage movement to apply the shampoo onto your hair by using light massage strokes on the scalp. Repeat as necessary and rinse your hair with clean, warm flowing water.
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