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This is the place to find out about how to bring out your African Beauty and have the confidence to love the way you look. Browse through our expert tips, videos and feel free to share your beauty tips with your fellow beautiful ladies by commenting. We all love to hear from you.

Wedding Hair Updo
The wedding season is already here and many ladies with natural hair are spending time on Google, Pinterest, and Facebook natural hair support groups etc. to seek inspiration on wedding hairstyles. Whether you are a bride or bridesmaid, the wedding budget can freak...
Hair Care Routine
Preventing Hair Breakage with Venus No matter your hair type, relaxed or natural, one thing all black women battle with is hair breakage. Hair breakage can be caused by many factors, but the good news is that a lot of them are preventable.Here are a few tips to...
Dealing with Hair Loss
Hair loss, also known as alopecia, refers to a loss of hair from part of the head or body. Hair loss can vary from a small area to the entire body. Everyone loses hair. Most people normally shed 50 to 100 hairs a day. This usually doesn't cause noticeable thinning of...
To Colour or not? Part 2: What you Need to Know
While colouring hair is fun, there are may be side effects that you need to be aware of. The symptoms and damage caused by hair colour may not always show up immediately. It may take up to several days or even weeks after the hair colouring service. Some of the...
To Colour or not? Part 1: Choosing the Right Hair Colour
Have you gotten to that place in your life when your hair is boring or you just want to boost your inner awesomeness? It may have lost its shimmer and glow; it may be dull and lifeless. It may be time to give it life. Colour it! Other reasons you may want to colour...
Tips for Looking After your Relaxed Hair
Relaxing hair is still very popular for a number of reasons; it’s easier to maintain, it’s easier to style and it makes your hair look lusciously long. All good things, so what’s the problem? Your hair is still susceptible to damage and needs some care to keep it...
Hairstyles for Natural Hair
Having natural hair doesn’t mean you’re limiting your hairstyles to just one. There are loads of ways to style your natural hair if you’re not feeling up to the old wash and go style. Here are our top three hairstyles for natural hair: Braids Braided hairstyles are a...
Gone for sure? Part 1: Causes of a Receding Hairline
When your hairline is rushing inward and you seem to have no control it is time to take action. When you notice your hair suddenly thinning at the centre and your crown suddenly becomes a ‘see through’ there is a high chance you are experiencing hair loss. Many ladies...
Gone for sure? Part 2: Treatment of a Receding Hairline
Most people especially men never do anything about their hair loss. They often resort to ‘accepting’ and living happily with the condition. However, women take extra care and as such the following steps could help conceal the loss of hair. Disguise Women will often...
Relaxing Your Hair
Have you ever relaxed your hair? Do you ever wonder what the process is like? The first thing that you need to do is to identify you hair texture: is it coarse, medium or fine? Once you have done that, you are able to select a suitable relaxer. A virgin application of...